Thursday, October 8, 2009

What is a glyph

I also intend to post properties and qualities of good fonts... but first i think some things need to be cleared...

  • A glyph is a fancy word for a shape. It is a component that makes up an outline font. For example, the dot on the letter "i" is a glyph, as is the vertical line, as are the serifs. Glyphs determine the shape of the font.

  • The actual shape (bit pattern, outline) of a character image. For example, an italic "A" and a roman "A" are two different glyphs representing the same underlying character. Strictly speaking, any two images that differ in shape constitute different glyphs. ...
  • Every character in a typeface, (eg: G, $, ?, and 7), is represented by a glyph. A typeface may contain more than one glyph for each character. These are usually referred to as alternates.

  • A displayable character.
also check out wikipedia

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